I’m studying nutritional information and the ways it’s written is
so confusing many people just can’t digest (haha) the information. Most of my clients want to lose weight and I’m
creating some fact sheets with the science part. I’m summarising pages of complicated
bla bla bla… and giving you the
So you think weight loss is about restricting calories and a
simple computation of calories in being less than calories out?
Think again….interesting facts
coming up!
I already knew that when we eat our meal is broken down into sugars and our body produces insulin to push the fat cells into the liver to get used as fuel for our muscles……and if there is too much fuel it is stored in our fat cells for future use. (I doubt I’ll live long enough for my body to use all the extra stored in my butt!)
I also already knew that to keep insulin levels from dropping
and spiking you need to eat whole foods regularly otherwise no matter how great
your will-power your body will force you to eat!
I already knew that if you don’t eat regularly or skip
meals, especially breakfast then your metabolism can slow down and make you
gain weight and store more fat. Knowing it doesn’t mean I did the sensible thing! How many fat people were there in concentration camps? No food no excess fat? Right?
smartass what didn’t you know then?
BUT skipping meals and eating too little are not y our only
problems triggers….This is new to me!
If you think you have already lowered your metabolism by
YOYO dieting and staving then you need to avoid these foods as they can create
thyroid problems!
· Peaches, strawberries, bamboo shoots, and peanuts· You need to make sure you cook cauliflower and broccoli, kale, bok choy, and kale
(I love strawberries and use raw broccoli and kale in my juices L)
· And the number one culprit is SOY! A hidden ingredient in loads of processed foods which contains phytic acid, which blocks mineral absorption. Check your food labels!)
So what can we eat to help
· Foods with omega 3’s like iodine such as salmon,
herring and sardines· Foods with Selenium such as brazil nuts (they convert the T4 into T3 – boost boost boost!)
· Beef, lamb, poultry, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, boiled spinach, whole grains help create more TSH
· Foods with fatty acids including olive oil, avocados, hazel nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds.